Indian Music of the 78rpm era D. V. Paluskar (1921-1955)
D. V. Paluskar: List of 78 rpm recordings Note: Items reproduced on the RPG Compact Disc CDNF 150524 (2003) are identified with an asterisk * and a date in square brackets. The dates given on the CD sleeve-note do not always correspond to the dates given in the 78rpm catalogues. I assume that the RPG dates refer to later LP sources. HMV 1944 (reissued on the Columbia label): 1a Columbia GE 30291 Bahar kaliyan sang karat rang raliyaan - parts 1 & 2 MP3 Excerpt 1b (Bengali Film: Shapmochan, Music: Hemant Kumar)
2a Columbia
GE 3405 Bahar kaise nikhasi chandani
4a Columbia
GE 3507 Bhajan jab janaki natha *
CDNF 150524 -Track 13
[1962] HMV 1947 (reissued on the Columbia label):
5a Columbia GE 3813 Gaud malhar bunara byahan
6a Columbia
GE 3868 Marwa marun kavana kaja
HMV N 25026 Song chamakati ya vaya (Sukla
9a HMV N 35164 Nand ajahu nahin aye
MP3 Excerpt
10a HMV N
35289 Miya malhar ai samadhan mora (ektal) *
CDNF 150524 -Track 11
6. PMLP 3019 (1989) Ramkali / Desi [From AIR sources] CBS LP (1988) Swarashree Label Catalogue No. DV 001 "Echoes of a Golden Voice" from Pandit D. V. Paluskar (by permission All India Radio)Side 1: Raag Bhoop - Vilambit Ektaal - Jab hi sab neerpat Raag Bhoop - Drut Teentaal - Jab se tumisan lagli Side 2: Raag Puriya - Vilambit Ektaal - Sughar bana gavo Raag Puriya - Drut Teentaal - Sapne main aaye Catalogue No. DV 002: Bhajans
2 78rpm reissues: EMI 1295, repackaged in "Golden Milestones" CD
Other recordings [From AIR sources]:
Acknowledgements I am grateful for help with the above to Alain Danielou, A Catalogue of Recorded Classical and Traditional Indian Music (Paris: Unesco, 1952). I am grateful for the first photo to Suresh Chandvankar, and to Kalyan Bhuta for suggesting corrections and additions to the above. The second photo is borrowed from and hyperlinked to Karl-Michael Schneider's list of HMV Recordings. Information on the CBS 1988 LP is courtesy of Vivek Khadpekar and Anup Jalan. An autobiographical excerpt from G. N. Joshi's Down Melody Lane (1984) can be found at the web site. It recounts how he recorded and edited Raga Shree. He was also responsible for the material reproduced by CBS.
Last updated on 9 May 2006