Phonetic Font

If you do not install the phonetic font, you will see different symbols.

To install the phonetic font into your computer, you need to:


(1) Click here to download the font (file size: 29 KB).

(2) If a dialogue box entitled <FILE DOWNLOAD> appears, click on ‘save this file to disk’ before clicking OK.

(3) When another dialogue box entitled <SAVE AS> appears, save the file in this directory:






You can check that you have the font properly downloaded by refreshing (reloading) this page. If you have,

V should look like an inverted v, and NOT like V

@ should look like an inverted e, and NOT like @

T should look like a theta, and NOT like T

E should look like an epsilon, and NOT like E.


If that does not work properly, try this method:

(1) Click here to download the font (file size: 29 KB).

(2) If a dialogue box entitled <FILE DOWNLOAD> appears, click on ‘save this file to disk’ and indicate a destination, eg your floppy in drive a:/

(3) Now, click on ‘start’ (bottom left corner), then on ‘control panel’. A window should appear; click on ‘fonts’. Then click on ‘File’ (top left corner), select ‘Install new font’, then click. A dialogue box should appear; choose the destination (ie where you saved the file, eg a:/). Fonts that are available should appear in the top window. Click on the one you want downloaded to highlight it, then click on ‘OK’. The font should have been downloaded.

Let me know if there are problems!

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