RESEARCH INTERESTS The applications of GIS/RS in watershed and large river basin modelling and management; Modelling impact of catchment disturbance and climate changes on sediment delivery; Soil erosion and sediment/carbon flux in large Asian rivers.
RESEARCH PROJECTS: 2006-08, APN (Asia Pacific Network), Sediment dynamics and downstream linkages in tropical streams as affected by projected land-cover/land use and climatic change, US$40,000*3 (A.D. Ziegler PI, R.C. Sidle, S. Wood, X.X. Lu, A. Snidvongs, L.T. Tran, J. Krishnaswamy, C. Tantasarin) 2006-07, SARCS, Nutrient Dynamics in a Headwater Basin in SE Asia: Building a Foundation for Investigation the Impacts of Anthropogenic Change, US$15,000 (PI: C. Tantasarin, Co-investigators: Shawn Benner, Boise State University, Lu Xi Xi, National University Singapore, David Higgitt, National University Singapore, Singapore, A. Ziegler, DPRI, Kyoto University) 2006, RGS-IBG, Geographical perspectives on global change research program: a cross-disciplinary research program in Myanmar, £7,000 (PI, Michael Bird, Co-investigators: Maung Maung Aye, Richard Bates, Michael J Bickle, Peter Clift, David Higgitt, Trever Hoey, Richard Johnson, Henry Lamb, Lu Xi Xi, Nay Win Oo, Ruth Robinson) 2005, NUS FASS Research Support Scheme, Sediment and carbon flux of the Pearl River 2005 flood, S$5,000 (Individual Award) 2005-06, SARCS (Southeast Asia Regional Center for START), Human impacts on water, sediment and carbon fluxes in the Southeast Asian region: modeling and field approaches, US$20,000 (Co-PIs, D.L. Higgitt and Lu Xixi, NUS) 2004-08, Land use changes, soil erosion and trans-boundary environmental issues in Chinese international river basins, China National “973” Sub-project (PI, Professor Zhou Yue, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Collaborators: Ms Zhu Yunmei, NUS, and CRISP), Chinese Yuan 600,000 (S$120,000). 2004-06, Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) quantification by remote sensing in large Asian rivers, FASS, NUS (Collaborators Dr. Liew Soo Chin, CRISP, NUS, Dr. David Higgitt, NUS), S$51,000. 2003-04, Modeling sediment and carbon fluxes to the South China Sea, SARCS (Southeast Asia Regional Centre Secretary) pilot carbon scheme (Co-PI, Dr. David Higgitt, NUS, Collaborator, Dr. Liew Soo Chin, CRISP, NUS), US$19,000. 2003, NUS FASS Research Support Scheme, Sediment and floods in the Yangtze River Basin, S$5,000 (Individual Award) 2002, NUS, Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing in Flood Management: A Case Study of West Bengal, India, S$14,310 (Xixi Lu, NUS; Joy Sanyal, NUS) 2002, APRU, Environmental Sustainability in Pacific Rim Cities: The Challenge of Air Quality, US$6,000 (Kiyo Hasegawa, University of Tokyo; Xixi Lu, National University of Singapore; Richard Margerum, University of Oregon; Sebastian Miller, University of Chile; Hiroshi Nishikawa, Osaka University; Jefferey Sellers, University of Southern California; Achariya Suriyawong, Chulalongkorn University; Alan Khee Jin Tan, National University of Singapore) 2002, NUS, A Geo-Political and Hydro-Ecological Study of the Shared Natural Resources of the Mekong Basin, S$26,850 (Carl Grundy-Warr, NUS; Xixi Lu, NUS; Uffe Poulsen NUS; Tyson R. Roberts, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; S.C. Liew, CRISP, NUS). 2001, NUS, Sediment yield modelling and river channel monitoring within large river basins in Asia, S$54,550 (Xixi Lu, NUS; D.L. Higgitt, Durham, UK; R. Sidle, NUS; S.C. Liew, CRISP, NUS). 2000, NUS equipment grant, S$10,000 (Individual Award) 2000, RGS-IBG Ralph Brown Expedition Award: Yangtze 2000, £5,000 (D.L. Higgitt, Durham, UK; J. Rowan, Dundee, UK; Xixi Lu, NUS; L.J Pu, Nanjing, China; Y.Q. Zong, Durham, UK).1999, UWO VP Grant, Land use change and its hydrological response, CND$5,000 (with J.F Wang, UWO, Canada). 1994, NSF of China, Watershed sediment delivery investigations using 137Cs, Yn480,000 (1US$=8.0Yn) (PI). 1993, NSF of China, The use of 137Cs in erosion and soil productivity investigations, US$5,000 (PI).
Scholarships and Awards 2002, APRU Fellows, University of Oregon, USA & Seoul National University, Korea. 4/99-3/01, NSERC Post-doctoral Fellowship, CND$70,000; 1994-97, UK Government ORS and the University of Durham Scholarship, £36,000; 1997, BGRG award for participating 4th Int. Geomorphology Conference in Italy, £600; 1997, Dr Alam and Mrs Alam award for participating 4th Int. Geomorphology Conference in Italy, £400; 1996, Great Britain-China Centre Award, £600; 1991-93, The Scholarship in School of Development Studies, Univ. of East Anglia, UK, £10,000.
Recent participation of conferences The AAG annual conference, LA, USA, March, 2002; The CAG annual conference, Montreal, Canada, 2001; The Asian remote sensing annual conference, Singapore, 2001; 3rd IAG Large River Conference in Singapore, August 2000; 2nd IAG Large River Conference in Shanghai, November 1999; 4th Int. Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition/21st Canadian Symposium on RS, June 1999.
Professional membership International Association of Geomorphologists Working Group on Large River; Canadian Geomorphologic Research Group (CGRG); International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS); Professional Association of Chinese Environments (PACE).
Invited Colloquium University of Toronto, Canada, 5/2000 University of Western Ontario, Canada, 4/1999 Department of Geography, Oklahoma University, USA, 3/1999 Department of Geography, University of Brooks, UK, 7/1998 Centre of Development Studies, University of Bonn, Germany, 6/1998 Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK, 4/1998