(The first half of the lecture will consist of a video screening. There is a handout that helps you organise some of the information in the video.)
Ethnologue, the largest
survey of languages today, first attempted a world-wide
review in 1974 where 5,687 languages were referred to. The present edition
(2018) gives a listing of 7,097 languages. (Click here to go to the Ethnologue
website.) If we may be a little sceptical about some of these numbers (we might
prefer to think of some of these ‘languages’ as different varieties or dialects
of a language), there are still very many languages in the world. How did
language itself arise in the human species?
If we compare the human species to other animals, it is
clearly significant that the human brain is relatively larger than that of
other animals. Early Homo erectus
in Africa (from about 1.7 to 1 million years BC) averaged 900 cc in brain size,
but later Homo erectus specimens from 500,000 BC average 1,100–1,200 cc
(cm³). Today, the average brain size is 1,400 cc. If we assume a correlation a
correlation between brain size and intelligence, we might then say that
language arose with increased intelligence. (The truth of the matter must be
more complex than this though. People with small brains such as nanocephablic dwarfs still have language.)
Secondly, bi-pedalism (standing upright) must have been a factor as well. The hands are freed up for other actions, such as carrying, which in turn frees up the mouth from needing to perform this function. The development of a resonating chamber of about 1½ inches (4 centimetres) above the larynx allowed for the development of various speech sounds.
Did language arise independently in different locations (this view is known as polygenesis)? Or are all languages ultimately evolved from a common ancestor (this view is known as monogenesis)?
We can do a small-scale study based on the instruction leaflet found in an Ikea self-assembled item of furniture.
Svenksa [‘Swedish’]
Kontrollera först innehållet. Vad som ingår ser du längst ner på nästa side.
Om något saknas eller du får problem, kontakta ditt varuhus.
First check the contents. There is
a list of contents on the left of the other side. If anything is missing, or you
have a problem, contact your store.
Deutsch [‘German’]
Zuerst den Inhalt kontrollieren. Was dazu gehört, sehen Sie ganz links auf
der nächsten Seite. Sollte etwas fehlen oder sollten Probleme auftreten, setzen
Sie sich bitte mit Ihrem Einrichtungshaus in Verbindung.
Français [‘French’]
Commencez par contrôler le contenu en le comparant à liste page suivante, à
l’extrême gauche. Si quelque chose manquait ou que vous aviez un problème,
contactez votre magasin.
Nederlands [‘Dutch’]
Controleer eerst de inhoud. Uiterst links op de volgende bladzijde staat
alles opgesomd. Als er iests ontbreekt of als je problemen krijgt, neem dan
kontakt op met het woonwarenhuis.
Español [‘Spanish’]
Verifica primero el contenido. En la página siguiente, a la izquierda,
encontrarás la descripción del contenido. Monta el mueble siguiendo el orden
numérico y las indicaciones de los dibujos. Si algo hace falta o si tienes
dificultades, llama a tu tienda distribuidora. Al cabo de unas dos semanas
debes apretar nuevamente todos los herrajes.
Italiano [‘Italian’]
Controlla prima il contenuto. Il contenuto é segnato a sinistra nella
pagina seguente. Monta il mobile secondo l’ordine del disegno. Se manca
qualcosa o se sorgono dei dubbi, chiama il punto vendita. Ristringere tutte le
viti dopo alcune settimane.
Based on this we can say a little about:
English |
words similar to English in other
languages |
other similar words with the same
meaning |
important |
important (Fr),
importante (Sp), importante (It) |
viktigt (Sw), wichtig (Ge) |
assembly |
monterings- (Sw), montier- (Ge), montage (Fr), monteage-
(Du), montaje (Sp), montaggio (It) |
instructions |
instructions (Fr), instrucciones
(Sp), instruzioni (It) |
anvisning (Sw),
anleitung (Ge), aanwijzing (Du) |
check |
verifica (Sp) |
kontrollera (Sw),
kontrollieren (Ge), contrôler (Fr), kontroleer (Du), controlla (It) |
first |
först (Sw), eerst (Du) |
primero (Sp),
prima (It) |
contents |
contenu (Fr),
contenido (Sp), contenuto (It) |
innehållet (Sw),
Inhalt (Ge), inhoud (Du) |
1. Consider the words for ‘important’, ‘instructions’, ‘first’ and
2. Consider the arrangement ‘assembly instructions’ or ‘instructions for assembly’
How come?
(a) Hypothesis I: These were originally different languages, but because of contact between the different speakers, they were influenced by one another’s lexical items and grammatical structures.
(b) Hypothesis II: These were originally one language, only they gradually became different. Perhaps people migrated, and the language changed in different ways: lexically, grammatically and phonologically.
Hypothesis I = centripetal force (convergence)
Hypothesis II = centrifugal force (divergence).
Figure 1
we can imagine a common
source for the ‘original’ Group A and Group B languages.
The Germanic, the Italic group and other groups of languages form a larger family of languages. They call this the Indo-European family of languages
This website is interesting and males a similar point: http://imgur.com/a/iVK8a
Whilst many had been aware of the
similarities between and therefore the common source of the Romance languages
(French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, etc.), it took a British judge Sir
William Jones who was stationed in India to cast the net much wider and noticed
similarities between apparently very different languages. He made systematic comparisons
of the lexis and the grammar of languages like Greek, Latin, English and
Sanskrit in an orderly fashion. This provided strong evidence for the existence
of a so-called family of Indo-European languages, with an ultimate
common source that was now extinct.
This is what he had to say:
The Sanscrit
language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect
than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than
either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of
verbs and the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by
accident; so strong indeed, that no philologer could examine them all three,
without believing them to have spring from some common source, which, perhaps,
no longer exists: there is a similar reason, though not quite so forcible, for
supposing that both the Gothick and the Celtick, though blended with a very different idiom, had
the same origin with the Sanscrit, and the old
Persian might be added to this family, if this were the place for discussing
any question concerning the antiquities of Persia.
This eventually gave rise to a way of classifying languages, known as the genetic classification or the genealogical classification. The main metaphor that has been employed for talking about languages this way is the metaphor of the family tree (introduced by the German linguist Schleicher who thought of language as an organism that could grow and decay). This method compares different languages and use as many written remains that are available. Clearly, this kind of method of research would be more successful in places where more written records were available. Where there are gaps in the tree, reconstruction is possible (indicated by an asterisk below) by comparing cognate forms.
The table above shows that Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Catalan are ‘sister languages’, derived from the parent language Latin. We can extend the diagram and show ‘daughter languages’ for Sanskrit and Gothic for example as well. The name given to the ‘common source’ is Proto-Indo-European or PIE. It is thought to have been spoken before 3000 BC and to have split up into different languages, so that by 2000 BC many of the linguistic differences had been established.
PIE speakers would seem to have
lived in the steppe region of southern
There are no written records of PIE, which suggests that PIE was not a written language. PIE sounds therefore have had to be reconstructed. (Some suggest that PIE was a development from an even earlier language, sometimes called Nostratic; here is a transcript of a programme ‘In Search of the First Language’. [If you go either of the links, click on your browser’s Back button to return here.]) If we examine the table above, it is clear that cognate words are pronounced differently in the various languages in the same family. When we examine a sufficient number of words, we will notice that the changes are not haphazard but often quite systematic. The 19th-century German philologist Jakob Grimm (1785–1863) worked out a sound law, known as Grimm’s law or ‘the first sound-shifting’, of how some Germanic consonants diverged from that of PIE. This is illustrated in the table below.
voiced stops |
stops |
stops |
fricatives |
bh |
→ |
b |
→ |
p |
→ |
f |
dh |
→ |
d |
→ |
t |
→ |
T |
gh |
→ |
g |
→ |
k |
→ |
h |
Examples of words that show Grimm’s law include the following.
illustrated |
Latin |
Greek |
Sanskrit |
Gothic |
English |
p → f |
pedem |
poda |
padam |
fotus |
foot |
p → f |
pecus |
– |
pacu |
faihu |
feoh ‘cattle, money’ |
p → f |
piscis |
– |
– |
fisks |
fish |
t → T |
tres |
treis |
trayas |
þrir |
three |
t → T |
tenuis |
tanaos |
tanu |
þunnr |
thin |
t → T/D |
tu |
tu |
tvam |
þu |
thou |
d → t |
decem |
deka |
daca |
taihun |
ten |
d → t |
videre |
oida |
veda |
witan |
to wit |
When you’re ready to take the quiz based on this topic, go to the LumiNUS and click on ‘Quiz’ on the left, and then on ‘beginnings’.